
Purchase 4-FA online

Buy 4-FA online  is known to be one type of releasing agent and the same is classified to be a reuptake inhibitor of norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine. Because of the metabolic characteristics of 4-FA powder, researchers have suggested that the C-F bond available at the 4-position of the phenyl ring should undergo deactivation in case of any influence from the cytochrome P450 oxidase.

There are other names with which Buy 4-FA online is known as well, such as R2D2, Flux, PAL-303 or Flits. This, as already mentioned, is known to act as a psychoactive drug. Many scientists use it as a research chemical of the amphetamine and phenethylamine chemical classes. 4-FA is usually known to have various entactogenic and stimulant effects. Many researchers believe that the compound is basically linked with other compounds such as 4-flouromethamphetamine and 2-fluoroamphetamine.

You must note one thing that 4-FA is not to be consumed by human beings. In general, the usage of this designer drug is limited for investigation and research purposes only. If you decide to Buy 4-FA online, you should agree to the terms and conditions set by the website and there should not be any breaches as such.